Once your beautiful space is created we can maintain your property’s integrity by providing many maintenance services.
Lawn Cutting
Your weekly service includes Lawn cutting and trimming around edges and removing debris from walkways and driveway.
Lawn Treatment Programs
Our programs includes fertilization, insect control, Lime and aeration to fit your lawn’s particular needs. Organic, enviro-friendly options are available also.
Edging and Mulching
This should be done at least once per year to keep your planting beds looking neat and attractive, to retain moisture, and to protect from drought.
Shrub Trimming and Pruning
This will tame those wild looking shrubs while improving their overall strength, health and growth.
Lawn Repair and Reseeding
Sparse or bare areas detract from your lawn’s appearance and contribute to erosion.
Monthly Weed Control
Monthly weed control in mulch and / or planting beds is recommended.
Spring Cleanup
Spring cleanup involves removing leaves and debris from lawn areas and planting beds in March or April.
Autumn Cleanup
Autumn is the time to remove leaves and debris from lawn areas and planting beds. Hauling services are available; as well as the removal of dead perennial foliage and cutting back your ornamental grasses.
Aeration and De-Thatching
Improve the overall health and root growth of your lawn with these procedures.